Rebecca D Trois

Rebecca D Trois

Also known as, The Blue Diamond Manifestor

Born in Houston, Texas with an innate gift of healing, manifestation & prophecy, she carries a unique remembrance of who she was before birth. She has telepathically communicated with Jesus, her higher self and many Angels, Ascended Masters, & Guides throughout this life and has received powerful, and prophetic messages over the course of her life.

After experiencing decades of unfathomable pain of body, mind, and spirit, stemming from the loss of her beloved three brothers, and her father from the age of 10 to 16, a divine transformational shift occurred.

Rebecca had endured multiple spinal surgeries over the years and experienced both partial and complete paralysis of her limbs and bodily functions. The physical, mental, spiritual and emotional pain she endured over the 40 years following the loss of every male member of her family was beyond comprehension. In 2015, after several near-death experiences, too weak & too frail to continue life, a powerful & most divine interventional shift occurred. The Grand Alignment is the book she wrote documenting all that she learned during this most healing and transformational period of her life. Rebecca explains through The Grand Alignment how she was guided by Jesus to detach from her Ego-Self and enter a state of Divine Consciousness, or The Christ Consciousness, through a specific meditation and healing breath, He called The Sacred Rainbow Breath.

Rebecca shares this transformational & sacred journey which took her from Death’s door to a place of Healing, Peace & Enlightenment with others who are seeking Truth of their existence and purpose in life. Her retreats and teachings are designed to help one release the hold of the Ego-Self, & realign with Divine Father/Mother Consciousness, The Christ Consciousness. Rebecca teaches a new way to live life, moving away from the frequency of fear and separation and into a life filled with and driven by unconditional love. By leaving behind our painful pasts, & successfully separating from the Ego-Self, we can enter The Kingdom of Heaven on Earth which dwells within each one of us!  Ascension into Oneness with The Divine Father/ Mother Consciousness is true Transcendence, allowing our eternal access to all that’s necessary to rewrite our own Life’s stories!

Rebecca is the mother of three beautiful sons, Cameron, Bryce and Ryder, and daughter of author, Mary Jane Ross. Currently residing in Fredericksburg, Texas in a magical, healing village which she and her former husband created just across from Enchanted Rock.

Rebecca is a powerful Lightworker, Quantum Healer, Master Manifestor, Reiki Master, Holographic Sound Healer & teacher, Ancient Mayan Tonal Acupressure Healer & Teacher, she is an ordained minister, an accomplished chef, an inspirational writer, & speaker.