Ascension Retreat

Rewrite your Future Now!

Secure Your Spot Today!
If donating a different amount please call 830-685-3415.


Utopia Light City at The Trois Estate at Enchanted Rock
300 Trois Ln Fredericksburg, Texas 78624


August 6th, 7th, & 8th, 2024

8-8-2024, (A true 8-8-8), Lion’s Gate Ascension Portal

Join us for a powerful, life changing Ascension Retreat! We will utilize the powerful energy of the 8-8-8 Lion’s Gate Portal to learn the art of Quantum Timeline Manifestation, led by Rebecca Rheia Troisi, (AKA, Rebecka D Trois, from the old 3-D paradigm), and K8, The HeArtist. in Utopia City of Light at The Trois Estate nestled in the sacred foothills of Enchanted Rock!

We will take a deep, intensive dive into healing the pain of the past, (the old paradigm), and begin living our new lives, (rebirthed in Love), aligned in a new paradigm full of limitless potential & possibilities! Enjoy blissful sound bath meditations where we will be guided to release all which is no longer serving us to our highest good, then receive the cosmic light codes, activations & attunements coming in through this powerful 8-8-8 Lion’s Gate portal.

Secure Your Spot Today!
If donating a different amount please call 830-685-3415.
During this transformational event you will learn how to:
  • Connect with your Mighty I Am Presence, (God within us), where all things are possible when aligned with love.
  • Meditate with high vibrational, New Earth colors & frequencies.
  • Activate your inner Rainbow through the sacred Rainbow Breath Meditation.
  • Harness healing energy & raise your vibration through the power of Breathwork.
  • Connect with sacred sound instruments & create your own sound bath experiences.
  • Work with your crystals for healing, grounding and manifestation.
  • Harness and utilize the power of Gratitude.
  • Access your inner child and remembering the power of Art-Play in the Land of Intention by creating high vibrational images infused with ascension light codes to be imbued on household item of your choice. (Mug, Pillow, Towel, Blanket, etc.)
  • Enter the Quantum field upon will.
  • Dive deep into the past, (to carefully examine events which transpired)
  • Heal the old wounds from the past.
  • Learn how to truly forgive and release the old paradigm.
  • Rewrite your new life’s story with limitless possibilities!
  • Overlay and activate your new 5-D timeline into the Quantum Field.

Awaken and become a conscious being, & access the power to exit the Matrix, (the 3-D timeline). Then claim a new life as we enter the long-awaited Era of God, a new Golden age which is God’s promise of Heaven on Earth!

The Trois Estate at Enchanted Rock is also being reborn at this moment into her truest and most authentic form, Utopia Light City! Utopia Light City, Tierra de Dios, is welcoming in The New Era of God, Heaven on Earth and we are calling in fellow Lightworkers, Healers, Prayer Warriors, Grid-Masters, Time Travelers, Human-Angels, Quantum Healers, New Earth Manifestors, as we are evolving into an Ascension site for Healing and Enlightenment.

Register for this exciting 3-day transformation by calling our office at
Love Offering of $888-All high vibrational meals and accommodations are included.
Secure Your Spot Today!
If donating a different amount please call 830-685-3415.

More information about the Lion’s Gate:

Third eyes open on August 8 when the bold Sun in Leo aligns to the star Sirius (known as the “spiritual sun”) to generate a high frequency energy that activates the Lion’s Gate portal.

By The AstroTwins and Felicia Bender, The Practical Numerologist

A layer of energetic opportunity peaks on August 8 called the Lion’s Gate. This is when the Sun is in Leo and the star Sirius moves closer to Earth and aligns with Orion’s belt.

This portal opens every year between July 28 and August 12 but August 8 is considered official activation day. Sirius rises during the middle of the summer. Its energy forces opportunities for dramatic new beginnings.

This is a time where new levels of consciousness are infused into the planet and also into each of us individually. So as this gate swings open, we are swept over the threshold—almost like one of those old movies where the bride is lifted up and carried over the doorstep as a symbol of the beginning of a new life

The Lion’s Gate is the birth of a new and undeniably heightened level of dedication to our ascension process as individual human beings and also as a global entity.